International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT Infrastructures and Services, 6-9 February 2023, Fortaleza-Jericoacoara, Brazil
The Advance'2023 Workshop will be held in the beautiful cities of Fortaleza and Jericoacoara in the Ceara (Brazil).
note that the venue of the workshop is moved to IFCE Campus
Fortaleza that is closer to the city center.
- In Fortaleza, the venue for the workshop will be the
Computer Science Department of the Federal University of
Ceara (UFC) :
Sala de Videoconferência
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará |
Campus Fortaleza,
Av. Treze de Maio, 2081 - Benfica,
Fortaleza - CE, 60040-531, Brazil.
Hotels in Fortaleza
- A shuttle service will be organized back and forth between Fortaleza and Jericoacoara for the workshop participants.
- In Jericoacoara, the venue for the workshop will be:
Blue Residence Hotel
Rua São
About Federal
University of Ceara (source wikipedia)
In Fortaleza, the university has three main campuses: "Campus do Pici", with the most of the programs in science and technology areas, "Campus do Benfica", which harbors the university's administration and the programs in humanities, business, and the law school, and the "Campus do Porangabussu", with the medical school. The campus of Sobral is new and has a Medical School, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Finance, Economy, Dentistry, Psychology and Teaching Music. UFC was created by the Brazilian federal government in 1955 and is under the Ministry of Education.
About Fortaleza
(source wikipedia)
Fortaleza ([foht̪äˈlezɐ], locally [fɔɦtaˈlezɐ], Portuguese for Fortress) is the state capital of Ceará, located in Northeastern Brazil. It belongs to the Metropolitan mesoregion of Fortaleza and microregion of Fortaleza. It is Brazil's 5th largest city and the twelfth richest city in the country in GDP. It also has the third richest metropolitan area in the North and Northeast regions. It is an important industrial and commercial center of Brazil, the nation's eighth largest municipality in purchasing power. According to the Ministry of Tourism, the city reached the mark of second most desired destination of Brazil and fourth among Brazilian cities in tourists received. The BR-116, the most important highway of the country, starts in Fortaleza. The municipality is part of the Common Market of Mercosur Cities, and also the Brazilian state capital which is closest to Europe, 5,608 kilometres (3,485 mi) from Lisbon, Portugal.[3][4]