International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT Infrastructures and Services,
26-29 February 2024, Hanoi, Vietnam

Call for Papers (main track) (pdf version)

Authors are invited to submit full or short papers presenting new research related to the development of global Information and Communication Infrastructures. All submissions must describe original research, not published or currently under review for another conference or journal. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

Call for Papers (VNU Msc Students track) (pdf version)

Msc student are invited to submit a short paper presenting their research project. All submissions must describe original research, not published or currently under review for another conference or journal. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Future Networking and Computing:

  • Design, analysis, and evaluation of network architectures
  • Energy-efficient computing and networking
  • Signal Processing for Communication, Networking and Sensing
  • Signal Processing over Networks
  • Advanced Techniques for Networks and Service Monitoring
  • Future Internet, 6G Network, Optical Systems, M2M communications, Tactile Internet
  • Internet of Things & Web of Things, Internet of Everything, Internet of Drones,
  • Vehicular Network, Underwater Autonomous Vehicular Network
  • SDN,  In-network computing and network programmability
  • Microservices, Service-Based Architecture (SBA)
  • Self-Organized Networks, Autonomic Networks
  • Fog-Edge-Cloud Computing Continuum, Networking, Orchestrating, Mobile Edge Networking and Computing,
  • Middleware Technologies (Cloud, IoT, Grid, P2P, Social Networks)

    AI Applied to infrastructures and services:

  • AI for Networking and Computing Optimization
  • AI for Security Management 
  • AI for Self-Organized Resource Management
  • AI for slices management and orchestration
  • AI for the Fog-Edge-Cloud Computing Continuum
  • AI for services infrastructure optimization
  • Reproducibility

    Security, Trust and Human Perception:

  • Identity Management
  • Security and Trust Management
  • Secure Federation and Orchestration
  • Privacy protection and Privacy-by-design
  • Cybersecurity, Trustable Access and Access sharing
  • Methods and Tools for Systems Tobustness
  • Critical Infrastructure Management 
  • Usable Security and Privacy
  • Humans aspects of Security and Privacy

   Social data management:

  • Models, theories and techniques 
  • Workflow Management
  • Information and Data Management
  • Big Data Management
  • Social Data Mining and Analytic
  • Decision Analysis and Methods
  • Urban Computing

 Vertical Industries, Usage and Societal Impacts:

  • e-* (e-Health, e-Society and Digital Divide, e-Government, e-Business, e-Mobility, etc.)
  • Smart-* (Smart Grid, Smart-Home, Smart-Health, Smart-Building, Smart-Cities, Smart-Cars, Smart-Road, Smart-Factory, etc.)
  • Green ICT and ICT for green 
  • Environment friendly ICT and positive energy ICT
  • Digital twins



Paper Submissions: November 3th, 2023
Author Notification: December
5th, 2023
Camera-Ready Due: December
15th, 2023
IMPORTANT DATES (VNU Msc Students Track)
Paper Submissions: February 9th, 2024
Author Notification: February
16th, 2024
Camera-Ready Due: February
20th, 2024

Accepted papers (main track) will be published in the Advance electronic proceedings with an official ISBN number. Published papers will be also indexed in the HAL Open Archive with an official DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

All VNU Msc students that are authors of submitted papers must present their contributions during the dedicated VNU Msc students sessions of the ADVANCE workshop scheduled on Wednesday 28th February 2024. VNU Msc students papers will be published in the Advance VNU Msc students track proceedings with an official ISBN number. Best papers will be published in HAL Open Archive with an official DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

Special Issue in International Journals

Authors of the best ADVANCE’2024 papers (main track) will be invited to submit extended versions for possible publication in special issue of International Journals (2/3 best papers will be invited to submit an extended version to Computing and System Journal/Revista de Sistemas e Computaçao – ISSN 2237-2901). Other special issues of international journals are also considered.


Please contact the TPC Program co-chairs (advance2024(at) for any further information.




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